本場・有田の窯元から取り寄せております。 醤油さしでは沢山かけ過ぎてしまいがちなお醤油を、シュッとひと吹き。少量でも均等にかけられるので減塩にもなり、使い残しを防げるので、健康のため塩分を控えていらっしゃる方々にも好評です。本場有田の窯元から取り寄せた可愛らしいながらも高級感を併せ持った有田焼のスプレー容器は、気持ちも食卓も楽しくさせてくれます。
Our soy sauce is bottled into a spray for a few reasons. When pouring, it is easy to spill soy sauce or add too much to your dishes. This design alleviates this by giving much more control over the amount of soy sauce used. Second, by controlling how much is used, this creates less waste of the soy sauce. Lastly, this design is popular with customers who must be careful of their salt intake, they can still enjoy the taste of the soy sauce but have confidence it will protect their health too. The bottle is ordered specifically from the famous Arita porcelain brand, making it an attractive Japanese-style addition to your dining table.